Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations
In Chapter 1, “What PR Really Is,” I share tips and advice on getting started in public relations. Why? Because colleges may teach how the field works, but they can’t always teach how to work in the field! The hardest part can be getting started – getting that first break. Read this excerpt with tips on landing your first shot below.

What I’ve Learned as a PR Apprentice
I had no idea what to expect or what a virtual apprenticeship would even look like, but throughout the past eight months, I have gained real-world PR experience, expanded upon my undergraduate skills, and formed so many new skills. I have learned more in this position than I could even put onto paper, but here are some of the most important and career-altering tips I learned as a PR apprentice.

Melissa Vela-Williamson and MVW Communications Named Finalists in Inaugural National Diversity Awards
San Antonio-based MVW Communications can now add “changemaker” to its list of accolades.
PRNews recently announced that Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR, is a finalist for the Latinx Pioneer Award, and its Meals on Wheels COVID Response Campaign is a finalist in the communications and PR campaigns executed by a Latinx-owned business.

Managing Communication During Power Outages
The morning of Feb. 15, Texans woke up to a Winter Wonderland. As the day wore on, our Winter Wonderland turned into a Winter Wasteland. Power outages left thousands of residents without heat and in the dark. To compound the challenges, many lost water service to their homes from frozen water pipes and other weather-related issues. The winter storm of 2021 taught us many lessons when outages lasted more than a day. Here are a few tips to help you plan for the next major weather disaster.

Prepare for Zoom Media Interviews or Presentations
At this point in 2020, each member of my household now has a dedicated Zoom account. Zoom/video call mishaps are still an everyday occurrence. Some professionals have been embarrassed or even fired for something seen while using Zoom. While media training has fundamentals, there are some nuances that should be accounted for when patching into a television studio virtually. As a PR professional, I see a need to share these insights with businesses and organizations facing media interviews over virtual platforms like Zoom.

Two PR Materials Newsrooms Need
Two materials are critical for the PR tool belt of anyone who wants local newsrooms to publish their stories: the press release and the media alert. In collaboration with a top newsroom editor, we outlined what elements are necessary for each document- a breakdown that will help readers distinguish between the two frequently confused materials.