Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations
In Chapter 1, “What PR Really Is,” I share tips and advice on getting started in public relations. Why? Because colleges may teach how the field works, but they can’t always teach how to work in the field! The hardest part can be getting started – getting that first break. Read this excerpt with tips on landing your first shot below.

Managing Communication During Power Outages
The morning of Feb. 15, Texans woke up to a Winter Wonderland. As the day wore on, our Winter Wonderland turned into a Winter Wasteland. Power outages left thousands of residents without heat and in the dark. To compound the challenges, many lost water service to their homes from frozen water pipes and other weather-related issues. The winter storm of 2021 taught us many lessons when outages lasted more than a day. Here are a few tips to help you plan for the next major weather disaster.

Three Things I Learned as a PR Apprentice
Before receiving the title of Public Relations Apprentice at MVW Communications, I was just a PR graduate with some theoretical practice in my area of study. I knew that the real lessons hadn’t even begun. Although the lessons I learned during my time at MVW are too many to mention, I’ve listed my top three.

Working through Mommy Guilt During the Pandemic
Managing work and home life seems more challenging than ever, especially for working moms. To avoid burnout and feeling overwhelmed with the millions of choices related to our pandemic reality, I had to ask for help and lean on others. But let’s get real — it seems as though a working mother’s guilt is inevitable — pandemic or not. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help get you through it.
How Livestreaming Can Help During COVID-19
Stay-at-home measures caused by COVID-19 in the United States are leading to an increase in the popularity of livestreaming content for consumers and creators. Livestreaming is a powerful tool that allows for direct communication in real-time, giving users a much needed sense of connection. In this blog, I share how to’s for individuals, professionals, and/or organizations who want to use livestreaming to adjust to life in this “new normal.”

Two PR Materials Newsrooms Need
Two materials are critical for the PR tool belt of anyone who wants local newsrooms to publish their stories: the press release and the media alert. In collaboration with a top newsroom editor, we outlined what elements are necessary for each document- a breakdown that will help readers distinguish between the two frequently confused materials.

FTF: Week of June 7, 2019
Helping others is helping yourself. Relationships matter, but shallow relationships give you shallow support. Help others by…

Introducing: Final Thoughts Friday
I've been terrible about posting consistently. Who has time, right? I've noticed I can find time to write blog posts on Fridays. My brain is DONE by Friday, though. So let's keep it simple. I'm launching a special Friday series where I round up the best lessons the week had to offer. The good, bad and the uggggglllly.

Five Ways to Increase Your Relationship ROI
One of the fastest ways to get ahead is learning from others’ lessons. I'm grateful to leaders like Nely Galan who are honest about the decades it took them to become an overnight success. It's a gift when we can avoid pitfalls, work smarter and navigate our career paths in ways that are a little less painful. What inspires someone to be candid and vulnerable enough to share a game-changing story with you? Your relationship.