Prepare for Zoom Media Interviews or Presentations
At this point in 2020, each member of my household now has a dedicated Zoom account. Zoom/video call mishaps are still an everyday occurrence. Some professionals have been embarrassed or even fired for something seen while using Zoom. While media training has fundamentals, there are some nuances that should be accounted for when patching into a television studio virtually. As a PR professional, I see a need to share these insights with businesses and organizations facing media interviews over virtual platforms like Zoom.

How to Be COVID-Kind with Video Calls
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there was been a wild increase in the use of video calls. As a PR person, I immediately worried that video calls would add undue volatility to an already unpredictable situation. Before you request a Zoom meeting, consider….is a video call the best tool for this? Would a conference call suffice? Or would a screen-share only video call be the best option for my audience?

3 Words to Fix a "Mad Face"
To know me is to know that I'm a mother. I always have some story about my kids that helps illustrate a point in a meeting, builds rapport with a new client or simply breaks the ice at an awkward social gathering. I also tend to develop little sayings -- little phrases that help me illustrate an important message. When I'm lucky, the stars align for my kids to inspire one that helps us all be better people.