The Magic of Authorship with Jacqueline Ruiz

The Magic of Authorship with Jacqueline Ruiz
Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR

Jacqueline Ruiz

As PR pros, we excel at helping clients tell their stories, but when it comes to telling our own, we sometimes find it difficult to "land that plane". Melissa talks to Jacqueline Ruiz, a social entrepreneur (and a real-life pilot) about how the magic of hybrid publishing can help you tell your story. Thought about becoming an author? Listen in!

About Jacqueline:
Jacqueline Ruiz is a visionary social entrepreneur who has created an enterprise of inspiration. With more than 20 years of experience in the marketing/public relations and publishing industry, she has created two successful award-winning companies, established two nonprofit organizations, published 33 books, the largest collection of Latina stories in a book anthology series in the world, and held events in four continents.  She has received over 40 awards for her contributions and business acumen. She represents the 1.6% of women entrepreneurs with over seven figures in the United States. Being a two-time cancer survivor activated her sense of urgency to serve others and live life to the fullest. Jacqueline is one of the few Latina sports airplane pilots in the United States and founder of Latinas in Aviation global brand. She recently collaborated with College Park Aviation Museum to create the historic first-ever exhibit in the world to honor Latinas in Aviation.

Connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn
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Topics covered:
- Defining hybrid publishing
- The author selection process
- Creating anthologies with Latina professionals
- Common stories featured in anthologies
- Advice for future authors

Resources mentioned:
- Fig Factor Media
- Jacqueline's books
- Latinas in Aviation
- Smart Talk: Public Relations Essentials All Pros Should Know
- MVW Communications


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