Opinion Journalism with Ruben Navarrette

Opinion Journalism with Ruben Navarrette
Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR

Ruben Navarrette

Join us this season as we focus on The Future of Mass Communication! Melissa kicks off this season with nationally syndicated columnist, Ruben Navarrette. Listen as they discuss the importance of thought leadership in comms, the role of opinion editorials (op-eds), and how to navigate controversial issues as communicators.

About Ruben:
Ruben Navarrette is a nationally syndicated columnist with The Washington Post Writers Group, writer of the Navarrette Nation newsletter at Substack, regular contributor to Spectrum News 1 in Los Angeles, a contributor to The Daily Beast (on the left) and Newsmax Magazine (on the right), feature writer for Latino Magazine, member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors, host of the podcast “Ruben In The Center,” regular contributor of video commentary to Omaha-based Straight Arrow News, author of “A Darker Shade of Crimson: Odyssey of a Harvard Chicano” (Bantam), founder & CEO of “The Navarrette Sonic Podcast Network,” and a communications coach specializing in personal brand development and the creation of media projects for individuals, companies and non-profit organizations.

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Topics covered:
- Refining your opinion as a columnist
- Picking topics to cover or pitch
- What PR professionals should know about the immigration debate
- Preparing communication during a presidential election year

Resources mentioned:
- Ruben's website
- Brené Brown
- "Great lyrics brought together Taylor, Bruce, my teenage daughter and me"
- Smart Talk: Public Relations Essentials All Pros Should Know
- MVW Communications


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