12. Three Principles for Social Responsibility

Three Principles for Social Responsibility
Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR

Season finale! Join Melissa as she wraps up Season 2 by sharing her top three principles for being a socially responsible professional.

Topics covered:
- How to fix root issues by moving upstream
- The importance of doing more good than harm
- What being an ally means

Actions to take:
- Know and do better
- Serve people where they
- Make your impact a positive one
- Recognize your biases and privileges

Resources mentioned:
- Methodist Healthcare Ministries
- Spider-Man (2002)
- The Hippocratic Oath
- The Latina Leadership Institute
- "How to Be a Good Friend"
- MVW Communications
- PR Pro Gear


13. Considering Communications Specialties


11. Socially Responsible HR Practices with Christina Stokes