Book Sneak Peak: How to Embrace Email Ettiquette
Public Relations Melissa Vela-Williamson Public Relations Melissa Vela-Williamson

Book Sneak Peak: How to Embrace Email Ettiquette

In Chapter 2, “Start Smart with PR Etiquette,” I share my thoughts on the unspoken PR etiquette that makes or breaks our reputations. These tips will save you lots of embarrassing moments. A surprising section to many is my take on email management strategy, which is actually key to successful workplace communication.

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Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations
Smart Talk Book Melissa Vela-Williamson Smart Talk Book Melissa Vela-Williamson

Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations

In Chapter 1, “What PR Really Is,” I share tips and advice on getting started in public relations. Why? Because colleges may teach how the field works, but they can’t always teach how to work in the field! The hardest part can be getting started – getting that first break. Read this excerpt with tips on landing your first shot below.

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What I’ve Learned as a PR Apprentice
Advice, Public Relations Alexandra Berg Advice, Public Relations Alexandra Berg

What I’ve Learned as a PR Apprentice

I had no idea what to expect or what a virtual apprenticeship would even look like, but throughout the past eight months, I have gained real-world PR experience, expanded upon my undergraduate skills, and formed so many new skills. I have learned more in this position than I could even put onto paper, but here are some of the most important and career-altering tips I learned as a PR apprentice.

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Three Things I Learned as a PR Apprentice

Three Things I Learned as a PR Apprentice

Before receiving the title of Public Relations Apprentice at MVW Communications, I was just a PR graduate with some theoretical practice in my area of study. I knew that the real lessons hadn’t even begun. Although the lessons I learned during my time at MVW are too many to mention, I’ve listed my top three.

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Four Ways to Maximize Your Time Post-Graduation

Four Ways to Maximize Your Time Post-Graduation

The quest for meaningful employment can seem daunting, but these challenges should be used to strengthen our mindset and continue pushing towards our dreams. Instead of pulling the “I graduated into a pandemic and now I can’t get a job,” excuse card, ask yourself what you could be doing to make yourself more marketable to future employers. More importantly, what could you do that would positively impact your mindset and resume?

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Eight Ways Graduates Can Prepare for the PR World
Getting Ahead Melissa Vela-Williamson Getting Ahead Melissa Vela-Williamson

Eight Ways Graduates Can Prepare for the PR World

You get the degree; you get the dream job…right?  Any practitioner can tell you it doesn’t work that way. Employers believe that degrees carry weight -- but that's just part of the equation. Learning the theory of public relations and the practice of it can reveal wide gaps.  So how can a new graduate prepare to earn (and keep) a place in the PR world?  Here are eight essential tips that can help you succeed during your first years on the job.

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