Wisdom from a Recent College Grad: Get Involved!
Advice, Women, Public Relations Bailey McGoldrick Advice, Women, Public Relations Bailey McGoldrick

Wisdom from a Recent College Grad: Get Involved!

Becoming a communications major is one of the best decisions I have made in college and I am greatly looking forward to my career in public relations. College is an amazing chapter in anyone’s life and I cannot stress enough what I have gained from having leadership roles and mentors I know I can trust. At the end of the day, you get out of college what you put into it.

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Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations
Smart Talk Book Melissa Vela-Williamson Smart Talk Book Melissa Vela-Williamson

Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations

In Chapter 1, “What PR Really Is,” I share tips and advice on getting started in public relations. Why? Because colleges may teach how the field works, but they can’t always teach how to work in the field! The hardest part can be getting started – getting that first break. Read this excerpt with tips on landing your first shot below.

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