Tickets on Sale Now: Ethics and Copyright Law in an AI-Excited World
Kick the year off with Smart Talk that can save you and your business future legal troubles. Learn the Copyright Law do's and don'ts of AI from public relations author Melissa Vela-Williamson and media law attorney Alicia Calzada. Read more about this event taking place on Thursday, January 18 at Maestro Entrepreneur Center.

Managing Communication During Power Outages
The morning of Feb. 15, Texans woke up to a Winter Wonderland. As the day wore on, our Winter Wonderland turned into a Winter Wasteland. Power outages left thousands of residents without heat and in the dark. To compound the challenges, many lost water service to their homes from frozen water pipes and other weather-related issues. The winter storm of 2021 taught us many lessons when outages lasted more than a day. Here are a few tips to help you plan for the next major weather disaster.

A Starter Guide to Clubhouse
Have you heard about Clubhouse? I’ve been on the app for less than two weeks and I really enjoy the experience so far. Think of it as stepping into an audio-only conference with workshops to pick from.
It is defined as “casual drop-in audio conversations with friends and other interesting people around the world.” Here are some tips I noted in my short time on Clubhouse to make you or your clients look “experienced.”
How Livestreaming Can Help During COVID-19
Stay-at-home measures caused by COVID-19 in the United States are leading to an increase in the popularity of livestreaming content for consumers and creators. Livestreaming is a powerful tool that allows for direct communication in real-time, giving users a much needed sense of connection. In this blog, I share how to’s for individuals, professionals, and/or organizations who want to use livestreaming to adjust to life in this “new normal.”

Lessons Learned from Livestreaming
Livestreaming allows organizations to share video content in an interactive, exciting way. As this format of video creation increases in popularity, organizations should invest their time and energy into using this tool for their advantage. Here are some key lessons I have learned from livestreaming so you know what to expect and what to avoid before you broadcast live.

Breakfast Meeting Spots in San Antonio
A compiled list of cost-conscious recommendations to accommodate your next professional breakfast meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

3 Words to Fix a "Mad Face"
To know me is to know that I'm a mother. I always have some story about my kids that helps illustrate a point in a meeting, builds rapport with a new client or simply breaks the ice at an awkward social gathering. I also tend to develop little sayings -- little phrases that help me illustrate an important message. When I'm lucky, the stars align for my kids to inspire one that helps us all be better people.