7. Practicing Social Responsibility

Practicing Social Responsibility
Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR

Corporate social responsibility has many definitions, but no matter how you define it, most take into account: ethics, trust, responsibility, service, and societal impact. After learning how to navigate through turbulent times in Season One, let's learn how to responsibly build a better future. In the first episode of Season Two, Melissa introduces this season's focus: Practicing Social Responsibility.

Topics covered:
- Defining social responsibility
- How to get started on practicing social responsibility

Actions to take:
- Practice social responsibility in your personal life
- Ask tough questions
- Collaborate strategically
- Be thoughtful and planful

Resources mentioned:
- United Way
- American Marketing Association
- Little Free Library
- MVW Communications
- PR Pro Gear


8. Social Responsibility: Mobilize and Invest in Your Community with Brittany Pratt


6. How to Have Real and Difficult Conversations