4. Redefining Emergency Management with Michael Morlan

Redefining Emergency Management with Michael Morlan
Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR
Michael Morlan, President of Two Rivers Emergency Management

Michael Morlan, President of Two Rivers Emergency Management

Communication comes after actions. In a crisis, communicators are often preoccupied by the messaging of actions taken, but how often do we think about the actions themselves? This week, Melissa is joined by Michael Morlan, President of Two Rivers Emergency Management, to discuss how to close the gap between communications and actions in a crisis.

About Michael:
Mr. Morlan is an emergency management contractor/consultant, mentor, emergency management strategist, and President of Two Rivers Emergency Management. Over the past decade, Mr. Morlan has been a part of some of the largest Presidential Declarations including hurricanes, flooding, and extreme weather incidents, as well as other local disasters and emergencies throughout the United States. During these incidents, Mr. Morlan filled many positions within the ICS structure including, Incident Commander, Operations Section Chief, and Planning Section Chief. He brings a unique knowledge of the public and private sector through healthcare, city, county, and federal organizations. Fulfilling multiple positions throughout his experience, Mr. Morlan has extensive experience within the emergency management field focusing on prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Taking the phases of emergency management, Mr. Morlan instills communication, coordination, and cooperation into his strategies for success. Through his business approach, Mr. Morlan promotes customized service, whole community focus, and embracing new technologies to ensure his company is redefining emergency management.

Follow on Facebook: facebook.com/tworiversem
Follow on LinkedIn: Two Rivers EM

Topics covered:
- The importance of emergency management and planning
- Navigating recovery
- Identifying gaps and reimagining what can improve
- How to strengthen the relationship between communicators and emergency planners
- The importance of being deliberate

Actions to take:
- Don’t just check a box when planning
- Think about the what-ifs
- Make a checklist
- Build plans in the reality you face

Resources mentioned:
- Two Rivers Emergency Management: Tworiversem.com - PR Pro Gear: https://www.prgearshop.com/


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