Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations
In Chapter 1, “What PR Really Is,” I share tips and advice on getting started in public relations. Why? Because colleges may teach how the field works, but they can’t always teach how to work in the field! The hardest part can be getting started – getting that first break. Read this excerpt with tips on landing your first shot below.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion PR Expert Releases First Book
Melissa Vela-Williamson provides valuable insights for those starting their PR career

Communication Specialties: Generalist vs. Specialist
Everyone should have a generalist capability and mindset. That means that you could specialize in a certain topic or category, but you have enough knowledge to know the communication that would benefit that area all the way around. It’s a more integrated world every day we’re in it, so our communication profession demands that of us these days!