Book Sneak Peak: How to Embrace Email Ettiquette
In Chapter 2, “Start Smart with PR Etiquette,” I share my thoughts on the unspoken PR etiquette that makes or breaks our reputations. These tips will save you lots of embarrassing moments. A surprising section to many is my take on email management strategy, which is actually key to successful workplace communication.

Four Steps for Practicing Social Responsibility
If you are unfamiliar with “Corporate Social Responsibility'' or CSR, you may not realize you are taking part in it when you participate in your organization's United Way campaign, recycle items in the office, or donate in a company’s food drive.
Manage Social with a PR Point of View
Managing social media platforms for an organization is incredibly challenging. This year we saw countless examples of what not to do on social media, proving the critical need to approach social media with a public relations point of view.
A tried-and-true set of PR principles, The Page Principles, have proved helpful to PR pros for almost a century. And when applied to social media, these principles can guide us through a framework that integrates durable direction into social media management.

Lessons Learned from Livestreaming
Livestreaming allows organizations to share video content in an interactive, exciting way. As this format of video creation increases in popularity, organizations should invest their time and energy into using this tool for their advantage. Here are some key lessons I have learned from livestreaming so you know what to expect and what to avoid before you broadcast live.