Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations
In Chapter 1, “What PR Really Is,” I share tips and advice on getting started in public relations. Why? Because colleges may teach how the field works, but they can’t always teach how to work in the field! The hardest part can be getting started – getting that first break. Read this excerpt with tips on landing your first shot below.

Census Says: Hispanic Heritage Month is a Must
Hispanic Heritage Month helps remind us of the rich traditions, leaders and shared values that make the Hispanic/Latino culture so significant. And that significance is rising -- the Latino population represented some big statistical shifts recently in the latest U.S. Census. Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15 and lasts through October 15. There’s a lot to commemorate during this short time. No matter your market area, encouraging your organization or client to embrace this month makes good fiscal sense now.

Steps to Being an Ally at Work
If you promote this concept in your workplace, allyship is a step towards showing you support social responsibility because it’s in alignment with diversity, equity and inclusion. The first step starts with YOU. Just like we teach children -- we have to first be a friend to make a friend.

What I’ve Learned as a PR Apprentice
I had no idea what to expect or what a virtual apprenticeship would even look like, but throughout the past eight months, I have gained real-world PR experience, expanded upon my undergraduate skills, and formed so many new skills. I have learned more in this position than I could even put onto paper, but here are some of the most important and career-altering tips I learned as a PR apprentice.

Four Steps for Practicing Social Responsibility
If you are unfamiliar with “Corporate Social Responsibility'' or CSR, you may not realize you are taking part in it when you participate in your organization's United Way campaign, recycle items in the office, or donate in a company’s food drive.

Women Must Support Women
Women’s History Month is an ideal time to examine our progression as women and the gaps we still need closed. For example, we may not be able to overcome the female wage gap in our lifetime, but changing our mindset could help us grow our finances and stature in the workplace.