How to Clarify Complex Brands
A marketing industry rule of thumb is that a customer needs seven interactions with a brand before they remember it or engage with it. If the brand is inconsistent in its brand expression, then that rule goes out the window.
Brand expression inconsistency is quite common with organizations large and small. Sometimes with small organizations, a brand style guide doesn’t exist.

Four Ways to Maximize Your Time Post-Graduation
The quest for meaningful employment can seem daunting, but these challenges should be used to strengthen our mindset and continue pushing towards our dreams. Instead of pulling the “I graduated into a pandemic and now I can’t get a job,” excuse card, ask yourself what you could be doing to make yourself more marketable to future employers. More importantly, what could you do that would positively impact your mindset and resume?

3 Words to Fix a "Mad Face"
To know me is to know that I'm a mother. I always have some story about my kids that helps illustrate a point in a meeting, builds rapport with a new client or simply breaks the ice at an awkward social gathering. I also tend to develop little sayings -- little phrases that help me illustrate an important message. When I'm lucky, the stars align for my kids to inspire one that helps us all be better people.