Book Sneak Peek: Be Thoughtful and Planful
In Chapter 10, “Act Like a Pro,” I review what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss the changes that it made to our work lives.

Book Sneak Peek: Build Your Press Kit
In Chapter 8, “Building Your PR Toolkit,” I explain the contents of a great PR toolkit, including the press kit. What’s that?

Book Sneak Peek: Think 360
In Chapter 7, “Understanding Integrated Marketing Communications,” I introduce the framework my firm, MVW Communications, uses for our 360-degree approach to planning.

Book Sneak Peek: Strategic Communication Planning
In Chapter 4, “Planning Like A Pro,” I explain a four-step process to creating and implementing a strategic communications plan.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion PR Expert Releases First Book
Melissa Vela-Williamson provides valuable insights for those starting their PR career

Communication Specialties: Generalist vs. Specialist
Everyone should have a generalist capability and mindset. That means that you could specialize in a certain topic or category, but you have enough knowledge to know the communication that would benefit that area all the way around. It’s a more integrated world every day we’re in it, so our communication profession demands that of us these days!