Elevate Women in the Workplace
Much has been said about the disparities women face in the workplace. There’s an unfair women’s pay gap, and women can face sexual harassment or discrimination at almost every level of their careers. I’ve dealt with facing such issues since my very first job. Public relations is a profession where the majority of practitioners are women. So how women are treated, and what their success trajectory is, should matter to us.

Book Sneak Peek: Strategic Communication Planning
In Chapter 4, “Planning Like A Pro,” I explain a four-step process to creating and implementing a strategic communications plan.

Book Sneak Peek: Media Relations Do's and Don'ts
In Chapter 3, “Media Relations Do’s and Don’ts,” I share best practices on topics such as setting media coverage goals, pitching story ideas, and knowing what’s newsworthy.

Book Sneak Peak: How to Embrace Email Ettiquette
In Chapter 2, “Start Smart with PR Etiquette,” I share my thoughts on the unspoken PR etiquette that makes or breaks our reputations. These tips will save you lots of embarrassing moments. A surprising section to many is my take on email management strategy, which is actually key to successful workplace communication.

Book Sneak Peek: Getting Started in Public Relations
In Chapter 1, “What PR Really Is,” I share tips and advice on getting started in public relations. Why? Because colleges may teach how the field works, but they can’t always teach how to work in the field! The hardest part can be getting started – getting that first break. Read this excerpt with tips on landing your first shot below.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion PR Expert Releases First Book
Melissa Vela-Williamson provides valuable insights for those starting their PR career